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Nutrition, Dietary Supplements and Their Relationship to Oral Health – Dr. Tieraona Low Dog (3 CEUs)
Tieraona Low Dog, MD is an internationally recognized physician, educator, author, and expert in Integrative medicine, dietary supplements, herbal medicine, and women’s health. Dr. Low Dog has written four books published by National Geographic. She is a co-founding member of the American Board of Integrative Medicine, and has received many meritorious awards from academia, public health, and the natural products industry, including Time Magazine’s Innovator of the Year in Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Dr. Low Dog served 25 years as chair of dietary supplement panels at the US Pharmacopeia, published 50+ peer-reviewed articles, spoken at over 600 conferences.She has also been trained in midwifery, massage therapy, herbal medicine, is a guiding teacher at the New York Zen Center, and holds a 3rd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
Nutrition, Dietary Supplements and Their Relationship to Oral Health –
Description: A growing body of evidence now shows the direct link between nutrition, dietary supplements and oral health. However, many dental professionals feel inadequately prepared to effectively counsel patients on healthy eating and using supplements to fill nutrient gaps. This discussion is for all members of the health-care team to become familiar with the evidence of safety and benefit for commonly used dietary supplements to enhance patient outcomes and reduce risk of adverse events associated with dental procedures. Learn the cutting-edge science behind the recommendations.This highly informative and evidence-based lecture will explore how macronutrients, micronutrients, glycemic load, intermittent fasting, and dietary patterns impact oral health, periodontal disease, and overall health.