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Dr. Bruce McFarlane – The Mixed Dentition: The Best Time to Create Dramatic Orthodontic and Orthopedic Change (6 CEU)

February 28 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm


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Red Bluff Community Center
1500 S. Jackson Street
Red Bluff, 96080
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Dr. Bruce McFarlane is a distinguished orthodontist, educator, and mentor. Graduating from the University of Manitoba in 1984 with a Doctor of Dental Medicine and a Bachelor of Science, he then obtained his master’s degree in Orthodontics from the University of Western Ontario in 1992. He is a fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada and an American Board-Certified Specialist in Orthodontics. For the last 29 years, he has been in private practice in Manitoba, Ontario, and California.

A former assistant professor of Graduate Orthodontics at the University of Manitoba, and accomplished author, Dr. McFarlane has established himself as a prominent speaker and educator throughout North America and Europe. For many years he has shared his vast knowledge and experience through ICANDO Inc. and by working as a KOL, speaker, educator, and consultant for Cerum Ortho Organizers, and now, Catapult Education.

The Mixed Dentition: The Best Time to Create Dramatic Orthodontic and Orthopedic Change
There exists a golden opportunity for meaningful orthodontic and orthopedic change – the mixed dentition. Six to 10-year-olds are malleable, cooperative, and fun to work with. In this engaging lecture, orthodontist and clinical expert Dr. Bruce McFarlane will explore the “when, why, and how” of early orthodontic treatment. Attendees will walk away feeling confident in identifying and addressing orthodontic issues in the mixed dentition – with a view to a much brighter future for their child patients.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discover how changes in the A-P, transverse, and vertical dimensions at this stage of life have been shown to have many benefits; with improvements that can actually be life-altering.
  • Learn simple and short-in-duration approaches that can head off many issues that will be much more difficult to deal with if waited on.



February 28
9:00 am - 3:00 pm


Northern California Dental Society
(530) 527-6764
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